Voice over Rates…?

How much should you charge for voiceover? A wonderful topic for the newbie vo artist. Since I struggled to find the answer to this question in my journey, I wanted to take the time to go about my process. It may differ from yours, yet, may also offer valuable insight. Here is what I wrote … Continue reading Voice over Rates…?

Why it’s hard to write and be an English Major

After years upon years of working in the restaurant field, I made the definitive choice to change my direction. I decided, after a particularly brutal Friday dinner shift, that I wasn't living up to my fullest potential. There had to be more out there for me than describing a dish perfectly only for it to … Continue reading Why it’s hard to write and be an English Major

The phrase America has forgotten

*please note all links contained within are to supporting documents of statements made* It is impossible to turn on the news without hearing some absurd happening within communities of these united states. Trivial things turned vicious, ignorance turned deadly, and tolerance turned intolerant. The number of stories have increased tremendously especially over the last 8 … Continue reading The phrase America has forgotten